Monthly Archives: November 2008

Everyone Thinks They Can Write A Book

On the flight home to New York from Los Angeles, Diana Spechler felt exhausted from her two month book tour. Too many late nights. Too many hours in hotel bars. Too many questions. Too many people "trying to climb inside … Continue reading

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San Jose Mercury News Sports Columnist Tim Kawakami

I interviewed him by phone Friday, Nov. 14. Here’s his blog. Luke: "Tim, what are the differences in the sports cultures between Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area?" Tim: "I grew up in the Bay Area. It was … Continue reading

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Media Tiring Of Prop 8 Protesters

The NJG:  guess the "prop 8" media-whoring protesters got no media coverage today The NJG:  you know what else is funny? The NJG:  all the gay male prop 8 protesters had white hair The NJG:  it’s that hippy generation, they … Continue reading

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Diana Spechler Reading II

Complete video here. We did this Thursday night at Diesel Books in Brentwood. Luke: "What has the publication and success of your novel meant to you?" Diana: "It’s tangible reward which is amazing. I toiled for years on this novel … Continue reading

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‘Luke, You Bucket Of Mouse Urine’

James emails: This was a cheeze, PUA tactics… The HUGE emotional ‘cookie’ compliment you handed her. Luke: "You strike me as breathtakingly levelheaded." Diana: "Thank you, Luke." Luke: "Are you breathtakingly levelheaded?" Diana: "No. I think I am often ruled … Continue reading

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