Daily Archives: December 27, 2007

TMZ Finds Its Way On TV

Tne NYT reports (Tabloid Baby responds): The three-month-old television version of “TMZ,” which is based on the popular Web site about the foibles of Britney, J. Lo and the like, continues to rank as the top-rated new show in syndication. … Continue reading

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And They Don’t Keep Coming

Mickey Kaus writes: …The LAT reports on a decline in incoming illegal immigration, and the paper has some numbers. … Mexicans who say they plan to seek work abroad: down by a third. … Border arrests: down by 20%. … … Continue reading

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ERSNews.com reports: Sources close to the investigation of Tradex; a now defunct offshore investment scheme tell ERSNews.com that federal indictments could be forthcoming soon.   The Enterprise Report has also learned that the key suspect, the former leader of the … Continue reading

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