Daily Archives: December 12, 2007

Kosher Asian Fusion Restaurant Opens On Pico

It’s called Mamash. Entrees go for more than $30 so you can eat there safely knowing I’ll never get in unless I’m bludging off somebody. It offers private booths (for lap dances?).

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Subway pole dancers enrage MTA

From the NY Daily News: On a dare from a Web site promising $10,000 for the best pole dancing in public, the quartet took a ride on the wild side and their winning video has become a rage on the … Continue reading

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Why Do Pro Athletes Get A Free Ride When They Kill People?

A great line from Tuesday night’s Red Eye program on Fox. It’s hosted by Greg Gutfeld. From Canadian Press: NEWARK, N.J. – Lawyers defending Jayson Williams in a manslaughter case are seeking details about a racial slur made by a … Continue reading

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Camera Of Death Vs. Katie Lohmann’s 20th Calendar Release Party At Vice

Click here for photos and report.

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Dump The CIA?

From Dennis Prager’s blog: Dennis talks to Christopher Hitchens about his latest piece in Slate. The CIA’s record is so undistinguished and so counter-productive, Hitchen contends, that the time has come to scrap and start over. Mark Taylor talks to Kinglsey … Continue reading

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