Daily Archives: December 10, 2007

Young Israel On The Rocks

From the YU Commentator: Since its inception in 1912, the Young Israel movement has attempted to steer the precarious balance that is American Modern Orthodoxy. But according to sources inside the Young Israel as well as outside observers, the National … Continue reading

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Adrienne Bankert: “I have never met a poor Jewish person ever in my life”

Soup Cans reports: Remember when Sacramento traffic reporter Adrienne Bankert gave a speech on religion and money and only a handful of people showed up? Well, shock of all shocks, turns out somebody was actually paying attention. Bankert is embroiled … Continue reading

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Camera Of Death Vs. Hollywood Life Magazine’s Breakthrough Awards

Click here for photos and report.

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Dead Jews Make News

From TabloidBaby: The obituary is one of the most colorful, informative and entertaining forms of journalism, so it’s small wonder that the market has taken off online, turning sites like Legacy.com and MySpace into virtual graveyard shrines. In the early … Continue reading

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