Monthly Archives: December 2007

Gay rumours eclipse Condi

From the Times of London: The Enquirer described its article as “the ultimate guessing game among Hollywood fans – trying to figure out which big-name stars are gay”. The report went on: “According to the buzz among political insiders, it’s … Continue reading

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Hollywood Bombs

From the WSJ: What if they held a war movie, and no one came? That’s the tale of woe at this year’s fall box office, where Tinseltown’s bleak vision of Iraq has many movie-goers taking a pass. Films from Brian … Continue reading

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Five Great Books On Journalism

Tom Brokaw writes for the WSJ: 1. "The Boys on the Bus" by Timothy Crouse (Random House, 1973). The five books I’ve chosen to write about reflect my own attitudes about the craft I’ve practiced for 45 years now. They’re … Continue reading

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The 70s – The Great Funk

Joe Queenan writes in the NYT: There are three kinds of revisionism. Marshaling cunning arguments to prove that James Polk is a vastly underrated president is tendentious but doable. Trying to convince skeptics that James Carter is a vastly underrated … Continue reading

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Rabbi Steven Weil Vents About Israel

He tried to hold it in, but he couldn’t hold himself back Sabbath morning at his shul Beth Jacob, the largest Orthodox synagogue west of the Mississippi. Rabbi Weil’s frustrated with the current Israeli government. He doesn’t trust them. He … Continue reading

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