Daily Archives: November 21, 2007

Remembering Cathy Seipp

Jackie Danicki posts Nov. 20: Our dreadfully missed friend, Cathy Seipp, would have celebrated her birthday this past Saturday. Cathy’s daughter, Maia, wrote a poignant poem to mark the occasion. Sometimes, friends and I will exchange emails – quite out … Continue reading

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A Daughter Searches For Her Father’s Murderers

Rachel (Desert Fae) emails: Hi, I ran across the article or rather, profile of Danny Casoloro/INSLAW/Octopus on this site. Do you have contact with the guy [John Connolly] that wrote it? I ask because I’m the daughter of one of … Continue reading

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From ERSNews: He was one of the first "million-dollar" anchors in Los Angeles. For years John Schubeck made more than a million dollars a year anchoring local TV News in Los Angeles. He also was one of the few Southern … Continue reading

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Law lags as taunts ruin lives

From the St. Louis Post Dispatch: In Florida, Jeff Johnston, 15, hanged himself by his book-bag strap in 2005 after three years of cyberspace bullying. His mother and principal had tried to stop the threats but couldn’t. In Vermont, Ryan … Continue reading

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