Daily Archives: November 4, 2007

Surfing Rabbi: A Kabbalistic Quest for Soul By Nachum Shifren

You don’t have to be religious (most of its contents are secular) to enjoy this book about one of Pico-Robertson’s greatest characters. Rabbi Yonasson Gershom writes on Amazon.com: Not since "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" have two more … Continue reading

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Fear Not Islamo-Fascism Nor Ahmadinejad

David Klinghoffer writes: During Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week, a Jewish friend asked me with breathless excitement, “Did you see on Little Green Footballs [a blog] how the thugs at Berkeley attacked Nonie Darwish and had to be pulled off her?” He … Continue reading

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The Turning Of An Atheist

Mark Oppenheimer writes: Unless you are a professional philosopher or a committed atheist, you probably have not heard of Antony Flew. Eighty-four years old and long retired, Flew lives with his wife in Reading, a medium-size town on the Thames … Continue reading

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Camera Of Death On Hollywood Blvd Saturday Night

Click here for photos and report.

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A UCLA scientist targeted by animal rights militants defends her research on addiction and the brain

Edythe London writes: For years, I have watched with growing concern as my UCLA colleagues have been subjected to increasing harassment, violence and threats by animal rights extremists. In the last 15 months, these attempts at intimidation have included the … Continue reading

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