Daily Archives: November 17, 2007

Israel Baseball Scandal

Tabloid Baby emails: "Luke interesting phenomenon ever since elli wohlgelernter sent me his story on the first season of the israel baseball league, the scandal that has led to the resignation of the commissioner (a former us ambasador to israel) … Continue reading

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Crane Tip Closes Pico Blvd Between La Cienega And Crescent Heights

This happened Saturday afternoon. A source says: "The story w/the crane as I understand is that it was trying to replace a billboard and the crane wasn’t braced right or something and so it tipped. The billboard and crane fell … Continue reading

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Keep Onions Out Of Shul

I was sitting in shul this morning, alternately davening and reading the sacred words of Chaim Potok, when a bloke sits down to me, puts on his tallit and then, during the reading of the Torah, unfurls a copy of … Continue reading

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