Daily Archives: November 5, 2007

Shalom Auslander Speaks Monday Night At Vroman’s Book Store In Pasadena

Here’s the audio. Video. Pic Pic Pic Pic Pic 2:30 p.m. I leave my house to beat the traffic. 3 p.m. Park on Colorado Blvd in Pasadena with four hours to kill. I go for a walk. I consume three … Continue reading

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Victims Of ‘The Game’

I had a great interview today with a beautiful young woman who had her life ruined by a PUA. What’s a PUA? A pick-up artist. The Bible of pick-up artists is a book by Neil Strauss — "The Game: Penetrating … Continue reading

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Raging Rafaeli sues Israeli newspaper

Dikla Kadosh writes: Leo’s ex, who’s quickly moved on to pro surfer Kelly Slater, has an odd way of doing damage control. After the Israeli supermodel tarnished her image in an October Yediot Ahronot article titled "Bar Refaeli Versus the … Continue reading

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Illegal Immigration

Mickey Kaus writes: It seems like only months ago we were told the immigration issue was splitting Republicans. Now it’s E.J. Dionne wringing his hands about the worry among Democrats that Republicans are ready to use impatience with illegal immigration … Continue reading

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Two New Books On Suffering, Evil and the Existence of God

Stanley Fish writes: Bart D. Ehrman is a professor of religious studies and his book is titled “God’s Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question – Why We Suffer.” A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, Ehrman … Continue reading

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