Monthly Archives: November 2007

And God said: let’s have some light, mate

From the Sydney Morning Herald, July 13, 2006: THERE was this sheila who came across a snake-in-the-grass with all the cunning of a con man. The snake asked her why she didn’t just grab lunch off the tree in her … Continue reading

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CONFRONTED BY LAPD COP reports: Luke Ford is a well known blogger and writer in Los Angeles. Luke tells ERS he was on his way to the library On Halloween to drop off some books he had checked out. He stumbled across what … Continue reading

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Olmert’s Cancer and the Propriety of Linking Punishment With Sin

Elliot Resnick writes: Rav Shlomo Aviner said that one may not state that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert developed cancer because of his present or future policies regarding Jerusalem, the settlements etc. He said that man does not know the reasons … Continue reading

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Presidential Politics And Jewish Priorities

Jason Maoz writes: With the possible exceptions of 1948 (when Truman kept a wary eye on the polls as he navigated the minefields of Palestinian partition) and 1976 (when fresh memories of Ford and Kissinger’s “reassessment” of American-Israeli relations, short-lived … Continue reading

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The Values That Make Judaism Unique

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach writes in The Jewish Press: Two weeks ago I debated Michael Steinhardt, the renowned philanthropist and self-declared atheist, and Prof. Noah Feldman, arguably America’s foremost thirty-something legal mind, on the subject of whether or not Jews are … Continue reading

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