Daily Archives: October 2, 2007

The Hidden Lives Of Registrars

Joe responds: At most schools, the registrar doesn’t have final authority; the registrar may make recommendations, but ultimately it is up to the head of the school. I am surprised by the suggestion that Shalhevet turns away many of its … Continue reading

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How An Obsessed OJ Fan Became OJ’s GF

From ERSNews.com: Christine Prody is OJ Simpson’s girlfriend.  She’s been Simpson’s girlfriend for over 10 years.  A relationship nobody, at least nobody in the media seems to know much about.  How exactly did they meet? When? Where? and under what … Continue reading

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Shocking New Narcissistic Low For Luke “I Love To Be Nekkid In Public” Ford

From the Luke Ford Fan Blog: I don’t know where this photograph was taken. Judging from the background, it could be prison. Perhaps Horrid Boy™ has (finally!) been locked up. The crime? Probably something to do with being an obnoxious, … Continue reading

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