Daily Archives: October 14, 2007

Arthur Gelb’s ‘City Room’

This is a solid book about a lifetime spent at the New York Times but Gelb does not deal with any of the cutting critiques of him in such books as "Fit To Print" (Lyle Stuart, 1988) by Joseph Goulden. … Continue reading

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Shadows on the Hudson

Over the past six weeks, I’ve read a dozen books on or by Isaac Bashevis Singer. Shadows on the Hudson was the latest. I feel like Singer repeated himself: * The protagonist becomes vegetarian * Tires of the modern world … Continue reading

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Another Big Funder Winds Up Shalhevet Contributions

Sandor Samuels of Countrywide curtailed his giving to Shalhevet in the Spring. Samuels was Shalhevet’s second (?) biggest funder after billionaire Roland Arnall. Like his boss at Countrywide, Sandor also dumped a bunch of shares before his company went south.

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By His Words You Shall Know Him

Jason Maoz writes in The Jewish Press (I find Giuliani the most impressive and most real of the Republican candidates though my heart is with Tom Tancredo): With its Oct. 5 front-page story on Rudy Giuliani’s experience hosting an often … Continue reading

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Jewish News Roundup

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Non-Orthodox synagogues merge (Jewish Week). An editorial asks whether Israelis would be better off without a Chief Rabbinate (Jewish Week). More letter to The Jewish Press for and against R. Natan Slifkin (Jewish Press). His response … Continue reading

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