Daily Archives: October 27, 2007

The Three Surges

Mickey Kaus writes: Will three surges late in his term salavage Bush’s presidency? 1) Petraeus’ ‘surge’ in Iraq; 2) Bernanke’s rate-cutting liquidity surge to prevent the economy from sliding into recession; 3) The new border enforcement surge, which might tighten … Continue reading

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IslamoFascism Awareness Week – Dennis Prager Stuns Them at UCSB

From PoliticalVindication.com: The question and answer period was an hour long and it sure felt like it. Dennis Prager sailed through it, shifting from pointed argument to playful bantor regardless of the hostility rising from the interrogator; it was fun … Continue reading

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Young Israel Of Century City Rabbi Elazar Muskin Held Up At Gunpoint Friday Night

He was not hurt. Pico-Robertson has had a rash of these incidents (recently and over the years). Is this going to be the impetus for armed Jewish protection patrols? Crime is the most important issue in Pico-Robertson. Who’s going to … Continue reading

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Woman charged in ‘Internet Revenge’ case

AP: WATERFORD, Conn. – A 34-year-old woman has been charged with using the Internet to try to get revenge on an old boyfriend by breaking up his marriage. Pilar Stofega has been charged with second-degree harassment and breach of peace … Continue reading

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Why Black Men Love White Women

Chaim Amalek writes: After seeing a delightful new flick at the Film Forum – "Control", about the life of Ian Curtis of Joy Division – I spent much of the remainder of my day wandering the floors of Barnes and … Continue reading

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