Daily Archives: October 26, 2007

What To Do About The Doubting Christian?

Elliot Resnick writes for The Jewish Press: All Orthodox Jews believe that a Jew’s sole path to God is through Judaism. A Jew may not become a Christian or a Buddhist, even if his heart pines to do so. Suppose, … Continue reading

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Sender Zeyv, author of ‘Every Man A Slave,’ ‘Aleph Shin’, and the upcoming ‘Ten Lost’

Elliot Resnick writes: What would your response be to those who find too much violence in your books? "You know I try to write a little bit realistically. When you’re talking about war, there’s violence. Wars have violence, that’s the … Continue reading

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Bibi Netanyahu – Israel’s Great Right Hope

Jason Maoz writes for The Jewish Press: For not the first time in his political career, Benjamin Netanyahu has become Israel’s Great Right Hope – a figure looked to with increasing longing by an electorate fed up with the blunders … Continue reading

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Naked Ambition

Click here for photos and report.

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‘Sometimes You Are What You Wear – An Argument For Modesty’

From ModestyBook.com: “Beauty diminishes, but a good name endures.” Everyday, people are bombarded by images from the media that promote sex, stick-thin figures as ideal, music, movies and books that idealize relationships mirroring our disposable society. World famous fashion models … Continue reading

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