Monthly Archives: October 2007

LA’s Good Samaritan Hospital Is Every Bit As Troubled As The Disgraced King-Drew makes some hilarious claims, such as: "A major research center and teaching hospital, Good Samaritan pioneers procedures that save lives and alleviate pain and suffering." "Noted as one of America’s best hospitals." Hah! It has patients lying in the … Continue reading

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Under Fire In Lebanon

Dikla Kadosh writes: Yoav Galai documented the Israel-Lebanon war in the summer of 2006 as the only embedded photographer. No other Israeli photojournalist wanted the job. And when Galai returned with graphic images and an ignominious tale, no Israeli newspaper … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter At USC: ‘A Couple Of Well-Placed Nuclear Bombs And The Japanese Became Meek Little Lambs’

I got video of Ann and of the protesters outside Wednesday night. Protesters Protesters Protesters New Videos Mickey Kaus sat a few seats to my left during Ann’s talk. Andrew Breitbart stood in the back. The auditorium at the Annenberg … Continue reading

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Heads Must Roll At The New Republic

Editor Franklin Foer and company have been protecting another fabulist. Matt Drudge reports: The DRUDGE REPORT has obtained internal documents from the investigation of THE NEW REPUBLIC’S "Baghdad Diarist", Scott Thomas Beauchamp, an Army private turned war correspondent who reported … Continue reading

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‘Etz Chaim Hee’ As The Ex Used To Say

I was preparing a beautiful homily Tuesday night for the short alcohol-soaked life of my Malibu ex when she IM’d me. It was a beautiful opportunity to share with her my message of hope. hollyrandall (9:13:41 PM): so are you … Continue reading

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