Daily Archives: August 5, 2007

Feldman Article Raises Questions Of Journalistic Standards

Ralph Lieberman writes: Initially, Professor Noah Feldman’s “Orthodox Paradox,” an article appearing in the July 22 issue of The New York Times Magazine, may seem entertaining. But on further reading, a very disturbing message emerges – a message that calls … Continue reading

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Noah Feldman And The Fear Of Being Different

Rabbi Yitzhok Adlerstein (L.A. Orthodoxy Jewry’s premiere spokesman) writes in The Jewish Press: Ayatollahs in business suits is what Noah Feldman would have the world believe we all are. If the Orthodox were going to leave him out of his … Continue reading

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Mission Statement For Noah Feldman’s Old School

From Maimonides.org: "The mission of Maimonides School is to produce religiously observant, educated Jews who will remain faithful to their religious beliefs, values, and practices as they take their place as contributing members of the general society. Maimonides provides its … Continue reading

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Iranian Jews Gathering At Movie Theatre For Shabbat Services?

Karmel Melamed writes: If you passed by the small Fine Arts Theatre located on Wilshire Boulevard before La Cienega Boulevard on Saturday mornings, you might find it stranger to see random local Iranian Jews entering it without paying any admission. … Continue reading

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L.A. blogs are voice of the people

Joseph Mailander writes in the Daily News: "BLOGS move so quickly that they demand action and accountability," City Council President Eric Garcetti recently told me. "I have learned about fires, hit-and-run accidents and day-to-day constituent concerns on blogs. I have … Continue reading

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