Monthly Archives: August 2007

Claire Hoffman Feels Lonely

Former L.A. Times writer Claire Hoffman (the hottest staffer at the paper during her tenure, she’s best known for her Joe Francis take-down) goes online to seek love in the September issue of Los Angeles magazine. "This Spring yet another … Continue reading

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Will Jerry Brown Win CA Democratic Nom For Governor In 2010?

Joe writes: "Most uncovered California political story right now is how Jerry Brown is going to run for governor in 2010 and win the democratic nomination by a landslide – Antonio better hope Hillary wins in 2008 so he can … Continue reading

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Shabbat in Sderot beneath a canopy of Qassams

Paco writes: Is it just me or does Brad Greenberg write extraordinarily well.  The story on Sderot was intense reading on a level usually reserved for a Bob Woodward account of tracking down Mark Felt in a DC garage. Is … Continue reading

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Divided Panel Rules ‘Seduction’ Claims Against Rabbi Are Barred by N.Y. Law

Daniel Wise writes: A woman has no claims against a Rockland County, N.Y., rabbi who she alleges counseled her to have sex with him as a way of overcoming her problems in finding a husband, a divided Appellate Division, 1st … Continue reading

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Ray Richmond’s Gentle Sensitive Side

If you know Ray Richmond, you don’t immediately think "gentle" and "sensitive." He’s a slashing writer and conversationalist. In his column today, however, Ray sounds like a poor man’s Oprah Winfrey as he tries to repair his reputation as a … Continue reading

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