Monthly Archives: August 2007

Charges Of Embezzlement Against Save-A-Heart Foundation

I received this letter: At this time people are focusing on the problems with Drew Medical Center. Accusations are being flung towards any person who has ever had any association with Drew Medical. Did you know that a similar problem … Continue reading

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A Jewish Voice At YearlyKos

Mik Moore writes for The Jewish Week: …Yet, when liberal bloggers — denizens of that noisy, cranky, high-intensity region of the Internet where individuals air their personal views, analyses, musings and, at times, reporting — held their major conference earlier … Continue reading

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Two Orthodox students shot with pellet gun;

Brad A. Greenberg reports: Two Orthodox Jews were shot with a pellet gun Thursday night at Alta Vista Boulevard and Waring Avenue in the Melrose area in an incident that Los Angeles police have labeled a hate crime. No one … Continue reading

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Ehud Havazelet’s First Novel – ‘Bearing The Body’

Francine Prose writes in the New York Times: His central character, Nathan Mirsky, receives a letter from his brother, eats dinner, gets drunk, smokes pot and then rapes his sympathetic, appealing girlfriend. I mention this to warn readers who might … Continue reading

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Rabbi Weil’s Gift

A lot of rabbis are socially awkward, but Rabbi Steven Weil has a gift for making you feel important. I went to Beth Jacob regularly in the summer of 2001. Rabbi Weil was always quick with a smile, a shabbat … Continue reading

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