Monthly Archives: July 2007

Musician Craug Taubman Publishes Days Of Awe Book

One evening at Friday Night Live a couple of years ago, Craig Taubman walked past me. He stopped, came back, looked at me and said, "Are you the guy who writes that out-there stuff?" Guilty. From Craig’s press release: Released … Continue reading

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Harvard Law Prof Noah Feldman’s NYT Wedding Announcement

Published August 15, 1999: Dr. Jeannie Chi Yong Suk, a daughter of Song Nam Suk and Dr. Chang Ho Suk of Great Neck, N.Y., is to be married this afternoon to Dr. Noah Raam Feldman, a son of Dr. Penny … Continue reading

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An Anti-Semitic Slur or a Mere Misunderstanding?

Rebecca Honig Friedman blogs: Blogger Yisrael Medad of My Right Word got himself into a (threatened) legal tiff with the Wonkette blog, over a post in which Medad questions whether a Wonkette post about one Rudy “Jew-liani” and the “Jew … Continue reading

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James Murdoch & The Jews

Chaim Amalek writes: Apparently, Rupert Murchoch’s son and heir-apparent James (that is, assuming Rupert’s inscrutible Chinese wife doesn’t grab the family jewels first) does not care much for the Jewish state. So naturally, one wonders what happens to all those … Continue reading

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Stanford’s Eruv Controversy

From the “We look upon the eruv as a violation of our right to live in a spiritual environment of our own choice,” city resident Walton McMillan commented July 6 on the Palo Alto Weekly’s Web site, where debates … Continue reading

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