Monthly Archives: June 2007

I Was Thinking Of Taking The Train To Seattle

…to interview David Klinghoffer in person. Good idea or bad idea to take this 36 hour train journey?

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Dennis Peters: ‘Self-congratulations at the L.A. Press Awards yawn-fest’

Dennis slams my friends (why am I linking to it? Because I read the whole thing, it’s good nasty writing, Cathy-style): Hey, peeps. I was up for an award at last night’s Los Angeles Press Club event, so I went … Continue reading

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JJ: ‘Valley congregation Shaarey Zedek moves on with new rabbi’

At least you can never accuse the Journal of sensationalizing. Rather their style of news writing (personal and opinion columns are often lively) seems designed to put the reader to sleep. Amy Klein writes in the June 15 Jewish Journal: … Continue reading

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Bush Vs. Bloggers

Glenn Reynolds blogs: The political press can run with stories about bloggers being in full revolt over immigration, but it’s not really a case of bloggers vs. the Administration. Rather, it’s a case — like Harriet Miers, Dubai Ports, PorkBusters, … Continue reading

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A Scene From Shul

"Is that the rabbi?" "Where’s his tie?" Rabbi: "There are some people beyond all hope. Beyond redemption. Beyond salvation. They’re incorrigible…" "Hey, how does he know my family so well?" "Where’s the air conditioning?" "That’s extra. We checked coffee instead."

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