Daily Archives: May 6, 2007

Sociologist Steven M. Cohen Visits Los Angeles

Dr. Cohen says he comes from a non-observant Orthodox home (their Sabbath ended around noon). Though somewhat observant of Jewish law, he is no longer Orthodox. But he was the scholar in residence at a local Orthodox shul this past … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Judaism, Judaism, Los Angeles, Orthodoxy, Reform Judaism, Sociology, Steven M. Cohen | Comments Off on Sociologist Steven M. Cohen Visits Los Angeles

Rabbi Joseph Telushkin Needs A Blog

I was rereading You Shall Be Holy on Shabbos and found this on page 312: I know, for example, that on days when I am consumed by anger against someone, I rarely get worthwhile work done. Every time I begin … Continue reading

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Vanessa writes: In my dream Luke Ford had been killed by some kind of orwellian secret state police because of his dissident intellectual work. It was a situation like in communist Russia, where dissidents often were made to disappear. I … Continue reading

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