Monthly Archives: April 2007

Praise God On Your Own Time, Buster!

I sometimes go to an Ashkenaz minyan in the evening where this Sephardi guy always insists on yelling out, "Barchu et Adonai Hamvorak!" at the end of Ma’ariv (and by reflex the rest of us respond, "Baruch Adonai Hamvorak l’olam … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Opposes Publishing The Names Of The DC Madam’s Clients Nor The Hookers

From The Los Angeles Times: She’s playing it beautifully," said Robert Hogan, former psychology professor at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore who runs a leadership consulting business. "These pols she has on her list are not above squeezing those prosecutors … Continue reading

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Why Does The Paleface Dominate Festival Of Books?

El Maleducado writes: There were very few people of color. I wasn’t surprised, because anybody that is even a little in touch with reality knows that people of color are badly under-represented in every field, especially literature…but it just sucks … Continue reading

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Bais Yaakov Know-It-All or Fresh New Orthodox Voice?

You decide about, my favorite new blog.

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In Praise Of Etz Jacob Philanthropist Aron Abeccasis

Etz Jacob’s rabbi Rubin Hutler sent Aron Abecassis this letter of gratitude on March 25. Perhaps a reader knows the back story to all this better than I do.

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