Daily Archives: May 2, 2007

Hitchens Glaring Error

Mark Oppenheimer writes: On p. 54, Hitchens writes, "Orthodox Jews conduct Congress by means of a hole in the sheet…" This is, as even most idiots know, a total fabrication. As a lie, it’s not as bad as the blood … Continue reading

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Blow My Shofar

My friend Lewis has used various screen names on JDate including BlowMyShofar, Hairy Knish, Uday Hussein, Anne Frankfurter, BotchedBris. They were all deleted by the uptight administrators.

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I Haven’t Lost All My Friends

In the wake of my tasteless comments on Cathy Seipp’s unfortunate demise, it seemed I’d lost all my friends. Without Cathy’s protection, I felt like a stray dog with rabies headed for the pound. With trepidation, I stepped into Wednesday … Continue reading

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Questioning Christopher Hitchens

Here’s the video at 54:35. Full story.

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Even Though I’m Going To Be A Big Movie Star, I Will Still Take Time To Report On Y’All

Details here.

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