Monthly Archives: May 2007

Her Mother Loves Torah

Eva writes: My mother is an extremely spiritual person. As such, she has a need to attend as many chassidus shiurim as possible on a daily basis. I’ve attended a few with her, and for me the real inspiration was … Continue reading

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Sociologist Steven M. Cohen Visits Los Angeles

Dr. Cohen says he comes from a non-observant Orthodox home (their Sabbath ended around noon). Though somewhat observant of Jewish law, he is no longer Orthodox. But he was the scholar in residence at a local Orthodox shul this past … Continue reading

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Rabbi Joseph Telushkin Needs A Blog

I was rereading You Shall Be Holy on Shabbos and found this on page 312: I know, for example, that on days when I am consumed by anger against someone, I rarely get worthwhile work done. Every time I begin … Continue reading

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Vanessa writes: In my dream Luke Ford had been killed by some kind of orwellian secret state police because of his dissident intellectual work. It was a situation like in communist Russia, where dissidents often were made to disappear. I … Continue reading

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Let Us Build Jerusalem In Pico-Robertson

And did those feet in ancient time Walk upon Beverwil’s mountains green? And was the holy lamb of God On LaCienega’s pleasant pastures seen? And did the Countenance Divine Shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here … Continue reading

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