Monthly Archives: April 2007

Old Luke, New Lucretia

I have an important announcement. During my 10 years online, I have held a wide variety of roles and titles. Blogger on adult cinema. Rabbinic beat reporter. Political essayist. Man about town. Breaker of women’s hearts. Soon I shall  leave … Continue reading

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Plagiarism Charges Against Novelist Naomi Ragen

Sarah Shapiro writes April 24, 2007 on Intellectual property theft inflicts a particular kind of anguish—one to which any writer who experiences it can testify. For me, the experience was exacerbated not only by the fact that autobiographical accounts … Continue reading

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Spiritual Master Marc Gafni Still Shining The Light Of Torah

Last I heard, Rabbi Gafni was living in Utah with an Israeli woman Dalit and her two kids. He hasn’t let last year’s controversies get in the way of his teachings. Rabbi Gafni spoke last month at the retreat center … Continue reading

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What’s The Significance Of Saying Certain Prayers On Israeli Independence Day?

I got this email and I don’t understand the significance of saying hallel (psalms of praise) on Israeli Independence Day and whether or not you say hallel with a bracha (blessing). Does this have to do with belief (or lack … Continue reading

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Feeding The Homeless

Robert J. Avrech blogs: …Orthodox shul in my neighborhood hands out food to homeless people once a week. These unfortunate people are, for the most part, mentally ill. I see them wandering the streets of Pico-Robertson with their shopping carts, … Continue reading

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