Daily Archives: March 15, 2007

Two Wongs Don’t Make A White

Cathy Seipp calls me "horrible boy." Among the ways I’ve earned this name is my hilarity at some verbal expressions of racism. My home country, for instance, had a "White Australia" policy until I was born, 1966. "Its clarion call … Continue reading

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Jewish Touching

Hello, My name is Mark Guterman.¬†¬† I am a Clinical Psychology PhD student working with Orit Avishai of the University of California at Berkeley.¬† We are doing an internet survey of Jews of all denominations.¬†¬†The survey is for both singles … Continue reading

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I Love My Kaiser Permanente Health Plan

I’ve been with the folks at Kaiser for almost five years and I’ve only had good experiences. As a sensitive artist-type, I check in with them for every malady I suffer, real or imagined. Now that I’m 40, my premium … Continue reading

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My Hair’s Turning Green

I pour on the Grecian Formula every day (I’ve been using it for 12 years) and what do I get? As you walk around my head, you see splotches of black, brown, grey and green. I fear that I’m doing … Continue reading

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Party Of Defeat

About the only time I like to blog my opinions on politics is to say that I’m wrong (such as about the war in Iraq). Otherwise, I don’t think I have anything important to add and prefer to write about … Continue reading

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