Daily Archives: March 7, 2007

I Don’t Care About The Decline Of Newspapers

PBS Ombudsman Michael Getler writes: Although most people get their news from television, and the Web is growing steadily, and bloggers and citizens with cell phone cameras are all contributing in some way to pieces of news, it is newspapers … Continue reading

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I Supported The War In Iraq And I Was Wrong

Jacob Weisberg delivers four unspeakable truths about the fight (and I tend to agree with them): 1. The war was a mistake.   2. Our soldiers are as much victims as heroes. "People join the military for a variety of … Continue reading

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I Don’t Know What To Do About My Feelings For Daphne Merkin

For how long can I love a woman who ignores me and scorns my medium? I loved Daphne’s essays so much that I read her novel Enchantment, which is a complete snooze (ala Jim Jarmusch). I twice sent her a … Continue reading

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John Derbyshire: ‘When a woman gets past her mid twenties, her probability of being raped drops off like a continental shelf’

He writes in National Review: Some of the most vituperative emails I have ever got came in after I made an offhand remark, in one of my monthly NRO diaries, to the effect that very few of us are physically … Continue reading

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