Monthly Archives: March 2007

I Love My Kaiser Permanente Health Plan

I’ve been with the folks at Kaiser for almost five years and I’ve only had good experiences. As a sensitive artist-type, I check in with them for every malady I suffer, real or imagined. Now that I’m 40, my premium … Continue reading

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My Hair’s Turning Green

I pour on the Grecian Formula every day (I’ve been using it for 12 years) and what do I get? As you walk around my head, you see splotches of black, brown, grey and green. I fear that I’m doing … Continue reading

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Party Of Defeat

About the only time I like to blog my opinions on politics is to say that I’m wrong (such as about the war in Iraq). Otherwise, I don’t think I have anything important to add and prefer to write about … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Does Not Find ‘Borat’ Funny

He says that humiliating people is not his kind of humor. Prager found Borat cynical. He watched the movie with his 14 year old son who also did not find it funny. Prager’s callers agreed that Borat was bad. Which … Continue reading

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Jerry Friedman Remains At Shalhevet

His dispute with the board continues. I guess Jerry was just bluffing when he walked away from the school last week. I’m not sure how long he will last at Shalhevet if he does not get his way. Friedman has … Continue reading

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