Monthly Archives: March 2007

I’m A Lousy Pen Pal

Bill writes: All of your replies have been 3 or 4 words. Why so reserved? Are you concerned that you might say the wrong thing and scare me off? Do you (inaccurately) assume that the acorn didn‚Äôt grow far from … Continue reading

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I Don’t Care About Cuts At The L.A. Times

Why all this handwringing over cuts at this mediocre newspaper? If there are stories that are not getting covered by L.A. Times reporters, then that creates opportunities for others to do the job. I rely on The New York Times … Continue reading

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Preparing For The Sabbath

From the New York Post: The johns included Wall Street types and Orthodox Jews in prayer shawls, residents said. "I’ve run into groups of four to five Orthodox Jews on Friday afternoons decked out in their talis coming in for … Continue reading

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Harry Jakobs – The Time Of Your Life

Richard Raybourne writes: Hello Luke, So I have been hearing this rumour about Harry Jakob’s being dead and all…I last saw him in Montreal in September 2002. I believed I even emailed (Mickey) Jason LeCavalier about it. As far as … Continue reading

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My Connection To Anna Nicole Smith

From Watching Fox News Friday morning, I saw a familiar face and heard a familiar voice — Alexander Denk, Anna’s former bodyguard and boyfriend and possible father of her baby Dannielynn. I met Alexander in an acting class in … Continue reading

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