I’m A Lousy Pen Pal

Bill writes:

All of your replies have been 3 or 4 words. Why so reserved? Are you concerned that you might say the wrong thing and scare me off? Do you (inaccurately) assume that the acorn didn‚Äôt grow far from the tree? Are you not sure how to categorize me? Do you find conflict in what you think you know of me versus who I actually am? Do you not give a shit? Do you feel uneasy knowing that I have thrown away many offers in the adult business that most would dream to have? Is it that I have serious moral conflict with the business that destroyed so many? Is it that you improperly reported that my brother was killed because….when we know that call for his death came from a temple? Is it that you reported that I died?

It is because I write for a living and that leaves me drained. I’m not lengthy in my replies with anyone, even women I date… Also, I have tendonitis in both elbows and I limit my time on the computer… Also, I just feel overwhelmed writing my blogs etc, squeezing out a living, and I prefer to get away from the computer and read books and write books… If you are ever in LA, I’d be happy to meet up with you and shmooze. Chaim Amalek writes: "Why not hire a Mexican to handle your correspondence? Quite a few are as literate as the average Anglo. Make Bush immigration policies work for you!"

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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