When Is The Right Time To Cheat On Your Wife?

Terri emails: "I would give you s*** about this story ‚Äì except for the fact that the mayor has admitted to having an affair WHILE HIS WIFE WAS UNDERGOING CANCER TREATMENT. What a scumbag." What better time is there to cheat on one’s spouse? It’s not like she’s dying for sex while fighting cancer. What’s a highly-sexed guy with lots of options to do? Yes, ideally, he should not cheat. But most people are not such saints. Robert Greene writes on the L.A. Times Opinion blog Feb 2:

Start with blogger Luke Ford’s outrage that no one at this paper, or anywhere else, had weighed in on the excruciatingly important fact that L.A.’s mayor has been spotted without his wedding ring. That’s an open invitation to unbury the already well-documented and (we had assumed) distant past marital problems of the first couple.

(The LAT’s blog refuses to admit my comment below.) What’s excruciatingly important is that your newspaper is lazy and that it treats minorities, be they black, latino, gay, etc, to a different standard than it holds majority white folks. If Villaraigosa had been white, your paper would’ve given him a far harder time about his sexual pecadillos. Remember what you did to the white Governor when he was first running. I have no problem with your stories on Arnold. I have a problem with your double-standards. So why don’t you take on my major point instead of isolating some minor detail?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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