Category Archives: Pico/Robertson

How Do LA’s Orthodox Rabbis Determine Their Moral Priorities?

All three Modern Orthodox shuls in Pico-Robertson — Bnai David-Judea, Beth Jacob and Young Israel of Century City — email their members to regularly rally outside the home of Meir Kin’s parents to protest his refusal to give a Jewish … Continue reading

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‘I Need To Go Have Sex!’ She Said

I was quite taken aback, not being used to such blunt sentiments. "There are ten people I can call right now in this neighborhood," she said. Ten! Here in Pico-Robertson? Here in the bastion of Modern Orthodoxy. A minyan to … Continue reading

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Boy-Crazy Orthodox Jewish Girls Loose In Pico-Robertson

I found this on Jewlicious:

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Friday Night I Crashed Your Party

"I’m bruised and battered," says Jeri*. "I need to have a talk with that young man," I say. Jeri goes to bed. She was out partying until late. "When I was here last," I whisper to Jezebel* and Rachel*, "she … Continue reading

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Child Brides On Pico Blvd

Walk Pico Blvd near Robertson Blvd on Shabbat and you’ll see some Orthodox women who look about 16 pushing baby carriages. These are Orthodox girls around 18 years of age who’ve married young and started having kids. In my experience, … Continue reading

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