Category Archives: Los Angeles

His L.A. Thank-You List

John Dickson writes: * I am thankful to live in a place where our City Council doesn’t squander time on local minutia and instead debates the seminal issues: Iraq, Darfur, global warming and, probably soon, the endangerment of the humphead … Continue reading

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Bloggers Vs. Journalists

This discussion on L.A. Roundtable (for LA City View 35) was recorded Sept. 18, 2007. KCAL’s Dave Bryan moderated the discussion between myself, Eric Longabardi, Eric Spillman and Bill Boyarsky. I’ve put it on Youtube: Part One Part Two Part … Continue reading

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In West L.A., A Homeless Man Inspires A New Brand

I’ve passed this guy many times. I always thought he was scary and weird. I stop by to interview him this morning but he’s not at his regular spot — dancing beside the gas station near Burton Way. I finally … Continue reading

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Racial Cleansing in L.A.

From Newsweek: A South Los Angeles Latino street gang targeted African-American gang rivals and other blacks in a campaign of neighborhood "cleansing," federal prosecutors say. Alleged leaders and foot soldiers in the Hispanic gang Florencia 13, also called F13, are … Continue reading

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Naked Juice Truck Smashes Into Pico Bl. Mikveh

This happened a month ago but the scars remain on the mikveh. Nobody was hurt.

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