Category Archives: Blacks

Every Group Should Have To Make Its Case To Its Host Nation

It’s not unusual for a struggling business to ask all of its employees to make the case for why they should retain their jobs. I think individuals and groups should think the same way about their relationship to their host … Continue reading

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I wonder if they would act the same way at BYU or YU or in Hong Kong? All people are the same, right?

Howard University students tend to be well-off compared to most blacks. They are the black elite. Yet they often act like people in Africa. How come when Oriental university students riot in Japan, Korea and Hong Kong, they don’t commit … Continue reading

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Oy Vey and Kaboom – The Wild West

I’m loving Rabbi Einhorn’s 14-part lecture series on the history of Orthodox Jews in Los Angeles. What is his point of view? He says early on in lecture one: “In Los Angeles, it was a collaboration of multiple people, different … Continue reading

Posted in Agudath Israel, Blacks, Los Angeles, Orthodox Union, Orthodoxy, R. Shlomo Einhorn, Race | Comments Off on Oy Vey and Kaboom – The Wild West

Smart People Can Be Cruel, But Only Smart People Can Create A Good Prosperous Society

Hong Kong has about the highest IQ of any nation, so when they riot, they don’t loot. Same with Japan and Korea. Not so much with African countries and the Philippines, etc. Chaim: “High IQ or not, the Japanese were … Continue reading

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Blacks Protest Whites Moving Into Harlem

Are whites allowed to protest when blacks move into their historic neighborhoods? Do only blacks have legitimate interests? Do only whites not have legitimate interests as a group? Notice that as whites move into Harlem, Harlem gets safer. Who would … Continue reading

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