Category Archives: Judaism

Contemporary American Judaism: Transformation and Renewal by Reform Rabbi Dana Evan Kaplan

We talk by phone Tuesday, June 2. (Previous interviews with Rabbi Kaplan here.) Luke: "You have a note in the beginning that some of your language in this book is a bit sharp." Dana: "I’m trying to make certain points. … Continue reading

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Equality Is A Goyisha Value

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Jewish law has Jews treat other Jews in a somewhat more favorable fashion, e.g. forbidding a Jew to charge interest on a loan to another Jew but permitting him to do it on a loan to … Continue reading

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‘For Me, The Essence Of Judaism is…’

That’s my least favorite phrase particularly when it is followed by "asking questions." Danielle Berrin writes about the creator of the Showtime show Weeds: For her own part, Jenji Kohan’s refusal to limit herself in her show’s creative content has … Continue reading

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Live Feed Of Mikvah Inauguration

This is not the live feed I want from the mikvah.

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Can You Order A Miracle?

On the front of, the rabbi debunks voodoo Judaism whereby if you do certain rituals at a certain place and recite certain things, you can get a shiduch (marriage) or a job etc. Anything that does not make sense … Continue reading

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