Category Archives: Judaism

Like A Pig In Slop

Joe emails: I see the pictures of you at the porn star reunion and you look happier than a pig in slop. You are there loving being Jewish, with tzitzit hanging out and next to gals with everything else hanging … Continue reading

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Why Aren’t Jews Debating Believers In Jesus?

Eric Zorn blogs: The obituary — Moishe Rosen dies at 78; founder of Jews for Jesus prompts me to ask readers about something that’s long mystified and impressed me: “Given that the divinity of Jesus is the core belief of … Continue reading

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Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson: ‘Coming To Know The God We Already Love’

Did you get that phrase — “Coming To Know The God We Already Love”? What Jew talks like this? This is Christian talk. What is primary in Christianity — faith, hope, love, humility — is secondary in Judaism and what … Continue reading

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What’s The Difference Between The Jewish Sabbath And The Christian Sabbath?

Seventh-Day Adventists, Seventh-Day Baptists and Jews observe the Sabbath. What are the differences in how they observe the Sabbath? As someone who was raised a Seventh-Day Adventist but converted to Judaism in 1993, I have some ideas. The most obvious … Continue reading

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The Lost Meaning of the Seventh Day

I just picked up this new book — The Lost Meaning of the Seventh Day — by Seventh-Day Adventist Sigve K. Tonstad. He’s on the Religion and Medicine faculty at Loma Linda University. I’m thinking about the title. I don’t … Continue reading

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