Category Archives: Addiction

A Test For Sex Addiction

I answered yes to the following questions (many of the below questions I would not answer “yes” to for my life right now, but I’ve answered “yes” for times in the past, so while my life right now is tranquil, … Continue reading

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Who Is An Addict?

I used to think that an addict was somebody who lacked moral strength. Others argue that addicts suffer from a chemical dependency or a mental disorder. In his book God of Our Understanding: Jewish Spirituality and Recovery from Addiction, Rabbi … Continue reading

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Leaving The Slavery Of Addiction

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The Qualities Of A Good Share

I’ve been to seven twelve-step meetings and heard dozens of shares. Many of them suck. Here are the qualities of a good share — honesty and a lack of jargon. A share is not the time to cite philosophers and … Continue reading

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Addiction Is A Progressive Terminal Disease

Watch the whole show. Torah Talks Fan Page

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