Category Archives: Politics

Form Letter To Congress

Joe emails: Dear Ms. ______: I simply cannot believe that the Obama administration intends to move enemy combatants and terrorists held offshore in Cuba to the United States. There are many things about the Obama administration that irk me, especially … Continue reading

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The Los Angeles Elections and the Jews

Joe emails: The municipal elections are probably a very important message for the LA Jewish Political Elite. The day is coming that Jewish politicians who are hacks and in lousy districts will simply not get elected. The bad news is … Continue reading

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Why Did The Los Angeles Gadolim Support Politician Paul Koretz?

I got a postcard Tuesday on behalf of Paul Koretz and Jack Weiss from the "Cutting Edge Consultants" claiming that their candidates were endorsed by (I have no idea if these claims are lies): Rabbi David Akhamzdeh (Ohr Haemet) Rabbi … Continue reading

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Jack Kemp – The Biggest Political Disappointment Of My Lifetime

Jack Kemp was my teenage dream of a politician in the early 1980s but then he never blossomed. He never accomplished anything. He just went flat. He was a complete bust as Bob Dole’s running mate in 1996. Alan Steinberg … Continue reading

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How Come There Are No Liberal Hypocrites?

We have all these Obama appointees who’ve cheated on their taxes. But such liberals are not hypocrites. What does a liberal have to do to be a hypocrite? WASHINGTON (AP) _ Health and Human Services nominee Kathleen Sebelius has corrected … Continue reading

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