Category Archives: Politics

Do The Republicans Even Want It?

Joe emails: Obama is now behind the “generic” GOP candidate in polling. Problem is that the Republican party is in such disarray after George W. Bush’s screwing of the pooch (there is no other way to portray what happened, it … Continue reading

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Rewarding Great Teachers

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker writes in the Wall Street Journal: In 2010, Megan Sampson was named an Outstanding First Year Teacher in Wisconsin. A week later, she got a layoff notice from the Milwaukee Public Schools. Why would one of … Continue reading

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The Biggest Threat To Liberty In The World Today

Since the fall of communism in Europe, political Islam (think Iran, Saudi Arabia, the Taliban, Al Qaeda) has emerged as the biggest threat to human rights around the world. On his radio show Wednesday, Dennis Prager said: “Those who want … Continue reading

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Gordon Brown to warn against global youth unemployment epidemic

From the Guardian: “Former prime minister will call for Barack Obama to take the lead in helping the 81 million people under the age of 25.” Gordon Brown is a British socialist. All of his political life, he’s pushed for … Continue reading

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Did Right-Wing Rhetoric Cause Tucson Shooting?

Stephen Steinlight emails: Hello, This is the first of several pieces I’ll be forwarding responding to the sophomoric, cheap and ugly politicization by many in the mainstream/liberal media about “moral responsibility” for the monstrous tragedy in Tucson. The rush to … Continue reading

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