Category Archives: Modern Orthodox

Do Rabbis Avi Weiss, Saul Berman Deserve To Be Called ‘Amalek’?

Yehuda posts to Hirhurim: Gil, it’s lovely you’re so tolerant. I’m glad you know what they mean. Despite your tolerance, I think anyone calling you, Rabbis Weiss or Berman, or any other Torah opinions "Amalek" deserves a public rebuke, and … Continue reading

Posted in Modern Orthodox, Orthodox Union, Orthodoxy, YCT, Yeshiva University | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Do Rabbis Avi Weiss, Saul Berman Deserve To Be Called ‘Amalek’?

RCA’s Feel Good Resolutions

Michael posts to Hirhurim: Nice feel-good stuff, but really no meat to any of them. The sad thing is that they will likely be ignored by their own membership and OU-affiliated shuls. The smachot in my neighborhood are still over … Continue reading

Posted in Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, Rabbis, RCA | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on RCA’s Feel Good Resolutions

Celebrating Lag B’Omer With Bonfires

"How is that good for Los Angeles?" I thought when I was reading a press release for a Lag B’Omer bonfire Monday night. "We have bad air pollution in LA and bonfires will only add to it. What will the … Continue reading

Posted in Haredi, Hasidim, Hirhurim, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Celebrating Lag B’Omer With Bonfires

Providing Moral Leadership To A Kid At A Chareidi Yeshiva

yeshivaboy: hey luke, i have a quick question, did you find out about the documentary hypothesis before or after your conversion YourMoralLeader: as a child YourMoralLeader: my dad has a phd in bible yeshivaboy: and you converted anyway YourMoralLeader: yep … Continue reading

Posted in Haredi, James kugel, Marc B. Shapiro, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, Personal, Rabbis | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Providing Moral Leadership To A Kid At A Chareidi Yeshiva

Non-Orthodox Judaism Disappearing?

I’ve heard other Orthodox rabbis, such as Berel Wein, say they expected non-Orthodox Judaism to be around for hundreds of years. It would be delusional to think otherwise. Chaim Amalek emails:Isn’t that the case with all liberalizing religions in the … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, Conservative Judaism, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, R. Norman Lamm, Reconstructionist Judaism, Reform Judaism | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Non-Orthodox Judaism Disappearing?