Category Archives: Dating

What Happened To Her Relationship Status On FB?

I’ve wasted a lot of time in therapy talking about my hopes for various women simply based on the fact that they removed their relationship status from Facebook and I hoped that meant they were ready for me to swoop … Continue reading

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‘We Can’t Take This’

The other day, I ran into a woman I went out with once. We were friends for years. It’s been about a decade since I saw her last. And as I walked away, I was thinking, I hope I had … Continue reading

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‘This Is How You Write About Someone You Love?’

In 1998, I met a woman at synagogue. We started talking. I found her attractive, smart and accomplished. She had a PhD. She’d dated this rabbi I admired. I started going out with this woman. After a few dates, I … Continue reading

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When Should You Ask A Date About Her Credit Score?

On the first date? I think a credit score, better than any other score, approximates somebody’s character. Mine is about 720. The New York Times reports: The credit score, once a little-known metric derived from a complex formula that incorporates … Continue reading

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Is it true that Persian girl don’t give IOIs (Indicators of Interest)?

My friend keeps pushing me to ask out various women I find attractive. “But she didn’t give me any IOIs,” I wail. “There’s no point.” “What’s an IOI?” he asks. “Indicator of Interest like asking unnecessary questions, touching you unnecessarily, … Continue reading

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