Category Archives: Personal

Chaim Amalek: “Micah X” is a kick-ass name, one that I predict will be selected by many a black woman for her son.

Chaim Amalek writes: “Were there specific trigger events associated with specific dates that led you to go from writing mostly about porn to writing mostly about the Jewish world to writing mostly about race? Your readers would find this interesting. … Continue reading

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If the homeless killer does not stop soon, all our streets will be safe, clean and pleasant places to walk. Sad!

Chaim Amalek: “First the came for the cats. But I do not own a cat so I said nothing. Then they came for the homeless, but I am not homeless so what business was it of mine? And then they … Continue reading

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Inspired by Elie Wiesel, I too want to make a living from the Holocaust

I’m working on my Treblinka memoir. Yeah, I made it up, but I have lots of company with fake Holocaust memoirs. Charles Nunno: “Performance art. Carry around your own gas chamber and take public showers with pornstars to raise money … Continue reading

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My addiction means I’m rarely present

I had a GF who was hot and smart, but her best quality was her quality of being intensely present. It would disconcerted some people but I loved it. I never had to explain myself to her because she could … Continue reading

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What About Me?

Chaim Amalek writes: Mothers have Mothers Day and Fathers have Fathers Day. Shouldn’t there be a special day for never-married, childless middle aged bachelors? Asking for a friend.

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