Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Very Religious

Whenever Jews tell me they were raised “very religious”, I know that they were not raised Orthodox. They were raised in some watered-down form of Judaism whose minimal demands struck them as “very religious.” Whenever Jews tell me they are … Continue reading

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Post-Orthodoxy & The Ordination Of Women As Orthodox Rabbis

I don’t know much about Torah but I instinctively find the notion of an ordained female Orthodox rabbi to be post-Orthodox aka outside of Orthodox Judaism. The Orthodox Judaism I thought I knew prescribes very separate roles for men and … Continue reading

Posted in Orthodoxy, R. Yosef Kanefsky, Rabbis | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Post-Orthodoxy & The Ordination Of Women As Orthodox Rabbis

How Does Men Marrying Men Go Over In Orthodox Communities?

I expect that most of the left-wing American Modern Orthodox embrace same-sex marriage. A Modern Orthodox source says: a male member of our community was recently outed as a homosexual. he married another dude and posted up pictures of the … Continue reading

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Have You Noticed My Change In Tone?

From my live cam: Josh: wow luke, the beard has gotten really long. i haven’t been on your webcam in maybe 6 months. you look like you lost weight too Josh: so i hear you’re officially a member of the … Continue reading

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Shannon Orand’s Unusual Conversion

Here’s the Jewish Israel report. Here’s The Jerusalem Report. From The Jerusalem Post, it sounds like Rav Shmuel Eliyahu (Chief Rabbi of Safed and the son of the former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Mordechai Eliyahu) is the main force … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, Conversion, Guma Aguiar, Israel, Jewish Israel, Orthodoxy, R. Dov Lior, R. Haim Druckman, R. Leib Tropper, R. Rafi Ostroff, R. Shmuel Eliyahu, R. Tovia Singer, Shannon Orand | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shannon Orand’s Unusual Conversion