Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Jewish Day Schools

Joe emails: Orthodox day schools cost a lot because they essentially have to pay two staffs. The secular staff that teaches the same hours as public school, in a somewhat less dangerous environment (jews wield a sixth sense, not a … Continue reading

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‘Because She Wasn’t Jewish’

“I need to understand,” she said. “Why did you write that?” “Well,” he said, “I always have to balance multiple concerns. I am not going to lose a good friend over a blog post, but almost everything else in my … Continue reading

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Rabbi Avi Weiss’s Bridge Too Far On Female Orthodox Rabbis

Rabbi Avi Weiss miscalculated. He thought he could get support on this issue without talking to anyone. His approach was the opposite of Chana Henkin‘s. She created a limited semicha (rabbinic ordination) for women to rule on Jewish law. She … Continue reading

Posted in Chana Henkin, Haredi, Orthodoxy, R. Avi Weiss, R. Yosef Kanefsky, YCT | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Rabbi Avi Weiss’s Bridge Too Far On Female Orthodox Rabbis

The Triumph of Maimonides Academy

Under Rabbi Karmi Gross, Maimonides Academy moved from a small insignificant school to a large Torah institution that is loved by its students and respected by its community. Through good education management, Rabbi Gross first commanded respect. The financial backing … Continue reading

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Why Do Jewish Day Schools Cost Three Times As Much As Roman Catholic Day Schools?

You can send your child to a Roman Catholic day school for $6,000 a year. If you want to send your child to YULA or Shalhevet and you have to pay full price, that will cost you about $20,000 a … Continue reading

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