Category Archives: R. Avi Weiss

Second thoughts on this petition to take down Syria’s regime?

I email Professor Jonathan Sarna about this petition he signed in 2013 along with Leon Wieseltier, Joseph Telushkin, Shmuly Yanklowitz, Avi Weiss, Yosef Blau, David Wolpe, Eric Yoffie, Menachem Genack, Steven Weil, Haskel Lookstein, Mark Dratch, Jeffrey K. Salkin to … Continue reading

Posted in Jonathan D. Sarna, Leon Wieseltier, R. Avi Weiss, R. David Wolpe, R. Mark Dratch, R. Steven Weil, Syria | Comments Off on Second thoughts on this petition to take down Syria’s regime?

The Destructive Clergy Flowing From R. Avi Weiss’s Yeshivot

I notice that many of the Orthodox Jewish clergy joining the “Black Lives Matter” campaign come from the yeshivot of R. Avi Weiss, such as Chovevei Torah and Yeshivat Maharat. Why I Was Arrested in St. Louis August 13, 2015 … Continue reading

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Rabbi Avi Weiss’s Bridge Too Far On Female Orthodox Rabbis

Rabbi Avi Weiss miscalculated. He thought he could get support on this issue without talking to anyone. His approach was the opposite of Chana Henkin‘s. She created a limited semicha (rabbinic ordination) for women to rule on Jewish law. She … Continue reading

Posted in Chana Henkin, Haredi, Orthodoxy, R. Avi Weiss, R. Yosef Kanefsky, YCT | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Rabbi Avi Weiss’s Bridge Too Far On Female Orthodox Rabbis

Training Women To Become Orthodox Spiritual Leaders

From a JTA blog (link): Rabbi Avi Weiss announced last week he was creating Yeshivat Maharat, "an Orthodox Yeshiva of Higher Learning … [to] train women to become Orthodox Spiritual Leaders – full members of the Rabbinic Clergy – in … Continue reading

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