Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Orthodox Jews Don’t Tend To Be Friends With Non-Jews

[Heshy Fried posts: “I don’t look at non-Jews as evil. I guess I just stick with my own (although my own include people who converted to Judaism – reform, conservative and orthodox) out of comfort and Judaism being central to … Continue reading

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Rahm Emmanuel Holds A Bar Mitzvah Celebration For His Son On A Sunday

I know that Rahm Emanuel speaks Hebrew, belongs to an Orthodox synagogue and visits Israel. His wife, Amy Rule, apparently did not receive an Orthodox conversion. Rabbi Asher Lopatin writes to the Failed Messiah blog in November 2008: Please read … Continue reading

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What Do Single Orthodox Guys Like?

From FrumSatire: Stuff yeshivish single learning guys younger than 24 like

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She’s Off The Derech

I interviewed a cute girl this afternoon about why she left Orthodox Judaism. Nataly Mor writes an essay on Heshy Fried’s blog FrumSatire about why she left Orthodox Judaism: Living in Brooklyn, especially in Boro Park, and being off the … Continue reading

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The Beth Am Library Minyan

Joe emails: I always wondered why no orthodox shul can come up with a substitute for this type of experience. The Beth Am Library Minyan was at a level of spiritual “truthiness” akin to a Hasidic service – the people … Continue reading

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