Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Baruch HaShem, My Dog Was Nifter

Heshy Fried gives this guide to sounding more religious, more Orthodox, than you really are: Funeral: Say Levaya instead Death, died or passed away: Nifter is the supreme substitute, if you want to be a bit more moderishe, but not … Continue reading

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You Can’t Observe The Sabbath In Your Heart Only

A couple of weeks ago was Shuvuot. I got asked why I could not come in to my Alexander Technique training on those two days. I mentioned first that driving was prohibited on holy days but said the main thing … Continue reading

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American Ignorance Of Geography Is A Beautiful Thing

Marcus writes on FB: “got asked if the four countries in Great Britain are: Scotland, Wales, Ireland & The Netherlands. For real. Almost as good as the time I was asked “Is the United Kingdom a country in Great Britain”? … Continue reading

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First Time In An Orthodox Shul

Jane emails: “Do you have any advice for me before I go walking into an Orthodox synagogue?” * Know that in Orthodox Judaism, men and women pray separately. The more Orthodox the community, the more men and women are separated, … Continue reading

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Need help finding an Orthodox Synagogue!

Jane emails: “I’m a prospective Jewish convert. I’ve spent the past 4 months or so studying at a Conservative Temple here in Los Angeles. Although I really enjoyed my experience, I want to experience and learn more, however this time … Continue reading

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