Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Unhappy Joggers Make A Poor Testimonial For Jogging

Out for my morning constitutional today, I passed an unhappy jogger. His steps were heavy. He was just pounding them out on the concrete sidewalk. He was pulled down and in. He was just gutting it out. He plainly disliked … Continue reading

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Can Jewish Law Be Wrong?

Dennis Prager writes: Many years ago, one of the most respected Orthodox rabbis of our generation, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, the chief rabbi of Efrat, told me the following story — and, of course gave me permission to tell it in … Continue reading

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Orthodox Wives Who Don’t Say A Word To Me

Sometimes I’ll run into a friend on the street. He’s with his wife. They’re both Orthodox. My friend will introduce me to his wife and she won’t say a word. She just stands there with pursed lips. She’s mute. I … Continue reading

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Don’t Talk Business In Front Of The Wife

Jane* emails: “My neighbor is an orthodox Jew (I’m Jewish as well, though not as religious) and he told me that his beliefs prohibited him from “talking business in front of [his] wife.” Knowing some strong and financial astute Orthodox … Continue reading

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The Last Of The Pure Sephardic Poskim

In a 2008 lecture for Torah in Motion on Rabbi Ben Zion Uzziel (former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel), history professor Marc B. Shapiro says: He’s one of the last of the few Sephardic poskim (deciders of Jewish law). The … Continue reading

Posted in Ashkenazim, Marc B. Shapiro, Orthodoxy, R. J. B. Soloveitchik, Sephardim, Yeshiva | Comments Off on The Last Of The Pure Sephardic Poskim