Category Archives: Orthodoxy

I Return To Therapy

I left therapy because of financial issues in late 2001. I went back tonight. All the drama surrounding my latest shul expulsion has been dragging me down. I feel like the world is coming down on my head. I’m only … Continue reading

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Separate Sex Swimming At Harvard

Jonathan Rosenblum writes: Recently, Harvard University agreed to establish certain hours for sexually segregated use of the gym and swimming pool. Most of us upon hearing that news would be cheered at an apparently reasonable accommodation to those women who … Continue reading

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Reforming Orthodox Judaism

Joe emails: 1. No second day of Yom Tov. 2. Davening should be shortened to just the shema, the shemonah esreh and the psalm of the day. The rest of the time alloted should be for communal and interactive torah … Continue reading

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Are You Really Sorry?

Baltimore Jewish Times editor Phil Jacobs writes: A rabbi friend called me the other day to wish me a Happy New Year. He then told me that he thought that I was being too critical of the Orthodox rabbis. “They … Continue reading

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Is My Blog Certified Kosher By The Orthodox Rabbis Of Los Angeles?

I heard Orthodox rabbi Yitz Greenberg say that while Israel should be more moral than other nations, if it insisted on being 100% more moral, it would be dead. It should instead strive for something achievable and survivable, such as … Continue reading

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