Category Archives: Barack Obama

Michelle’s Vacation

Joe emails: Is this 2010 or 1962. It appears pretty obvious to me that the Obama marriage is a farce, and this trip by Michelle is a total travesty. I know couples where the wives go off on their own … Continue reading

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Not That Muslim!

A correspondent reports that at an Orthodox shul in Los Angeles on Shabbos morning, when the time came to say a prayer for the American government and the president, one Jew loudly said, “Not that Muslim!” My friend says: … Continue reading

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The Bottom Line

Joe emails: Obama must be gotten rid of in 2012. His continued presence is bad for the Jews, Israel and America. The Republicans have no credible candidate with any appeal to minorities and youth, and their votes matter. The question … Continue reading

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NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World

From Fox News: NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his “foremost” mission as the head of America’s space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world. Though international diplomacy would seem well outside NASA’s … Continue reading

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Rabbis For Obama

Joe emails: Got balls? Put this on your site. Below is a list of California Rabbis who endorsed Obama in an open letter – copied below, vouching to Jews he was a stalwart friend of Israel – Their silence now … Continue reading

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